TDI-Brooks International, Inc.

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June 2004


TDI-Brooks has been contracted by the Nigerian Institute for Oceanographic and Marine Research (NIOMR) of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to provide vessel and logistical support for three 12-day fisheries research studies around Bonny Terminal. The three (3) survey periods are as follows:

  • Mid-October 2004 � First Wet Season Sampling
  • Mid-January 2005 � First Dry Season Sampling������
  • Mid-April 2005 � Second Wet Season Sampling

The first cruise conducted over a 12-day period in mid-October has been successively completed using TDI-Brooks� research vessel, the R/V GEOEXPLORER.�� The cruise involved collection of benthic and pelagic trawls.�� Figure 1 shows the deployment and recovery of otter trawl nets from the GEOEXPLORER�s stern platform.

Figure 1a. Deployment of ten (10) meter trawl boards off the stern of the
R/V GEOEXPLORER.��The net is deployed first from the stern of the vessel
followed by the boards and harness that open the trawl net.

Figure 1b & 1c.�� (b) The ten (10) otter trawl as it deployed from the vessel�s
stern. (c) The recovery of the trawl net and boards following 20 to 30-minute
on-bottom tows.

The objectives of the fish survey include:

  • Determination of the pelagic and demersal species composition, size distribution and abundance of fish and shell fish in the Bonny Estuary and the adjacent coastal waters;�������
  • Determination of the spatial and seasonal catch of both pelagic and demersal species resources of the area; and ������
  • Identification and documentation of sea turtles, mammals and endangered species.

The following figures (Figures 2 to 4) show pictures of the processing and sorting of the trawl catches conducted by NIOMR scientists, a few select species pictures, and the project team.

Figure 2.��Examples of the trawl catches and NIOMR
scientists involved in sorting the trawl catches.

Figure 3. Examples of two (2) benthic trawl catch species.

Figure 1 shows the study area of the project.� It is located in Rivers State southeastern Nigeria, some 40 km SE of Port Harcourt.� The figure shows the existing channel, NLNG terminal and dredge material disposal sites.�

Figure 4.� The NIOMR project team picture taken on the bow of the R/V GEOEXPLORER on its transit back up to the mob and demob port of Onne Port, just south of Port Harcourt on the Bonny River.� Dr. Dan Adkison (right hand person on second row) was TDI-Brooks� Party Chief.�� Dr. Adkison has a Ph.D. in marine biology.��


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